Discussions, Quotes

3 Days, 3 Quotes — Day 1

I was tagged by both Dania @ Bookish Thoughts and Marina @ Books of Magic for this challenge! Thank you both for thinking of me, and to all you readers who aren’t following them: what are you doing??


1. Thank the person who nominated you.

2. Post a new quote for three consecutive days.

3. Nominate three new bloggers each day.


As both a writer and a reader, I can wholeheartedly appreciate this quote. With writers and orators like James Baldwin, Maya Angelou, Frederick Douglass, and a whole slew of others, it’s easy to see how much of a writer’s life and struggles are poured into their work.

Though it’s more apparent when looking at writers who’ve experienced extreme hardships, of course this is not the only kind of writing that applies with this quote. I’m someone who believes that you can’t create something truly amazing unless you let some of yourself bleed onto the page. I’m not saying you have to write your life story, but there has to be some sort of connection between your self and your work.

Personally, this has happened without me even realizing it until the third or fourth read-through. I tend to bring parts of my life or my self into my stories in a way that is often subtle but still important. It may show in the way a certain character talks or argues or expresses joy. Sometimes it’s the connections characters have with each other, or the way a scene plays out in a certain way.

Whatever the case, I’ll often find myself going, “oh… oh, that’s part of me,” even when I didn’t realize it during the writing process. And to me, those are my best stories.

I’m tagging…

Alex @ Finding Montauk

Alli @ Alli Cat’s Meow

Krysta @ Pages Unbound

26 thoughts on “3 Days, 3 Quotes — Day 1”

  1. I love this quote, even though I’m not a writer – it can apply to other areas too. I’ve bled a lot, but the reward of creating someting you’re proud of is immeasurable ♥ P.S. psst, where can I read someting you wrote? I didn’t notice anything on the blog 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Exactly! The more you put in, the more you get out of it 😀 Oh! I actually have links to my published works on my About page. As of now, there’s only one story up, and I’ll be adding a link to my other story once it’s posted at the end of this month!

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      1. Ohh, yeah, they changed their site recently so you have to sign up to read stories on there. It’s so dumb and I hate that they did that. It’s free to sign up, BUT if you’d rather not sign up and still want to read my story, I created a second account and you can use that login info to get access. Use the info below to log in!
        Email: kara412@yahoo.com
        Password: letmeread

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      2. I didn’t cry but it hit the spot. 😦 I kind of guessed what will happen, but I wished for a different ending, and then… well you should know! 😦 There aren’t many stories that make me sad, and even less that make me cry, so yes, I would call it a success! 🙂 In my opinion, if a book makes you feel something, then it’s doing the job right 🙂 The author is, I mean 😀

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      3. Yeah, it wasn’t really meant to be much of a surprise. It was the build up that mattered to me for that one.

        I think the same! I’m glad I could make you feel something 😀

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  2. What a great quote! I remember during one of my courses this semester, one of our guest speakers talked about blogging and he mentioned that “the only way to become a better writer is to write. every day.” It’s one of those things that you just have to do.

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    1. Yes! I used to write when I was younger — poetry, fiction, you name it — but I got out of the habit of doing it often, and then I slowly stopped doing it altogether. It wasn’t until I took a required writing class in college last year that I really started writing again. It really does act just like a habit: the more you do it, the more you want to do it!

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  3. Definitely true, even though it’s been years since I’ve written. I feel like you can see snippets of the author in their books and it represents them as a person somehow. Like Edgar Allan Poe’s work! Also saw your login for the website where your stories are up, now I won’t be putting off reading those any longer 😂

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      1. Oh my god, I just finished reading it. And I did not expect that ending at all 😦 The Sun literally died 😦 I love how in the beginning you didn’t mention at all that it’s from the POV of a sunflower and you gave hints instead. I first thought it was a tree! Great story, Kara.

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      2. Ahhh thank you so much for reading it! ❤️ Haha I was so worried no one would get it when I first wrote it. Someone thought it was a plant-person at first 😂 I’m glad you liked it!

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      3. Thank you! I’ll probably make a blog post about my next story when it goes up later this month. Hmmm, ya know, I just might! I tried it a while back but I think I only made it a week. Now that I’m writing more, I think it’d be fun to try it again! Do you participate??

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      4. Hahahahaha I think you’ll do well this time around! Nooo, November coincides with my finals month so I won’t be able to participate until… the year after next sobs. But I will be your loyal cheerleader!!

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